Economic Development

Development Plan for Main Street Core Area
"The Main Street core area shall be characterized as a prime development area due to the presence of two (2) destination  centers, Main Street's traditional central business section where mixed-use development is encouraged, and the crossroads/five points area where NC-50 and NC-56 converge.  In addition, the City is interested in actively seeking developers for sites targeted for development as mixed-use centers, incorporating residential, recreational, cultural, and retail uses." . . . Page 78 of City Plan 2030

Main Street Core Business Area (Google Maps) Main Street Core Area Business District

The Main Street core area presents numerous opportunities to build on existing development and create a true sense of place by optimizing every square foot of available land to solidify the center of commerce in the city. Preservation of the Creedmoor's unique character through good building and site design, along with emphasizing infill development (which according to the Falls Rules likely carries no requirement for addressing stormwater runoff) should be the guiding principle. Attractive landscaping and streetscape improvements along with other visual improvements can further the aim of attracting development professionals to choose Creedmoor as the location for creating new businesses. 

Community Development Office
(919) 764-1016


 Main Street (1)  Main Street (2)


  Main Street (3)      Main Street (4)